Community First Medical Center to replace Resurrection Hospital

Resurrection Medical Center - Our Lady of Resurrection Hospital

Community First Healthcare of Illinois bought Our Lady of the Resurrection Hospital from Chicago-based Presence Health, the largest Catholic hospital chain in Illinois with 12 hospitals, including Our Lady of the Resurrection.
The purchasing company, Community First Healthcare of Illinois, is a relatively new form of corporation in Illinois — explicitly created to pursue both the public good and profits — and among the first of its kind in the state to attempt to take over a functioning hospital.
Recognizing the need to provide quality healthcare in Chicago’s Portage Park community, Community First’s dedicated doctors and medical staff stood united in the face of a looming hospital closure. Ultimately pushing the owners of Resurrection Hospital to put the hospital up for bid, the doctors, together with Community First Healthcare of Illinois, saved the hospital, in December of 2014.
Community First is a benefit corporation, a new way to organize a company in Illinois beginning in 2013. The state law allows the creation of a private company with shareholders with a mission beyond maximizing profit. Such companies are required to document their work for the social good while receiving protection from investors who might want to change that mission in the interests of greater returns.
Community First Medical Center is a 299-licensed bed hospital, which includes industry leading spine and orthopedic practices, a radiology center, and an extensive outpatient services center.
Community First Medical Center’s mission is to provide compassionate medical and nursing care as well as advanced diagnostic and treatment services that promote our patients’ well being.
Community First’s top priority is to ensure that you or a loved one receives the best healthcare available. No matter the reason for your visit, patient safety is the top priority, and guides every action taken.
The staff can accommodate the diverse languages spoken by patients, assuring convenient, community-focused healthcare.
Community First Medical Center is devoted to its patients, their families, and the greater community of Portage Park, now and for the future.